Category: NFTs

Newsletter: Customer data is King (or Queen)

The power of knowing your customer well can never be underestimated. Or in the case of a live event, more specifically your attendees. Building future marketing programs based on the analysis of today’s buyers will help event organizers to provide a solution better aligned with their attendees and their buying personas.

Of course, the solution being provided is a live event. But this is only the simple starting point to craft something aligned with your attendees’ desired overall experience and purchasing patterns. Let’s consider how this could work with advanced digital or NFT ticketing solutions?


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Newsletter: The path to supercharged tickets….at the pace that’s right for you!

Ticketing is where it all begins with any live event. The first impression of the event to come, the excitement of making the purchase and knowing you’re going to see something amazing.

Today’s digital ticketing solutions are the starting point to enhance the customer experience for your next event, but you don’t need to jump straight to new technologies such as NFT ticketing. There are still many enhancements digital tickets can provide to catch the attention of your attendees. Let’s begin with the buying process.


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Newsletter: Opportunities for Music NFTs to impact the music industry

Music NFTs have been increasingly in the news over the last few years with big name performers releasing their own NFT collections, music tracks via NFT and NFTs with utility that allow the purchasers access to content or the ability to connect directly with artists. It’s not only important to consider the implications to the fans, but also the financial and brand implications to the artists.


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Newsletter: NFTs for the masses – are we there yet?

NFTs and Cryptocurrency are two topics that have been used in the media in a way that can bring confusion to the reader if they are not already familiar with these terms. They both function on blockchain and are a digital assets. This is where the similarity stops and the differences begin.

Learn more about this comparison along with the process to buy and safeguard NFTs, Tips for deciding what to buy and some caution about taxation.


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Newsletter: How to keep your brand in the lead – with white label ticketing solutions

The main challenge that organizers of events currently faces is the desire to be able to sell tickets to live events directly from their website. In order to do this, there needs to be a solution that can enable the functionality from a technology perspective, but also position their brand in a positive way. 

White label functionality provides an NFT blockchain ticketing solution that carries your brand. Always have your identity first when users are purchasing and using tickets! 


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ComeTogether case study: White label ticketing keeps your brand in the spotlight

Reworks wanted the ability to sell tickets to their festival directly from their website. In order to do this they needed to find a ticketing solution that could not only help them to accomplish this from a technology perspective, but also from a brand positioning perspective.

When considering a white label solution it was important to find a partner that would do all of the heavy lifting for them. Provide the technical solution and industry expertise to develop an outcome that was easy for them to implement and still kept their brand in the spotlight.

The main priorities for a different approach to ticket sales needed to address the following:

  • Keep their brand in the forefront, they have high brand recognition and need to be found easily when fans search for their festival online.
  • Make ticket sales directly from their website.
  • Determine what event details they share with fans about the event they will attend.
  • Position other events to potential buyers to upsell to multiple purchases.
  • Easy to implement, no need for development resources.

Download the case study to read the whole story!

Reworks Case Study (English) Download


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Newsletter: Ticket fraud and scalping is ruining events

Maybe this is an overstatement, but ticket fraud is certainly causing havoc in the live events industry. With overinflated pricing and fraudulent tickets making secondary market purchases a landmine of potential bad outcomes, fans are getting scammed and event organizers are left trying to pick up the pieces on something that is out of their control. Or is it?

How big is this problem?


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Newsletter: NFTs with utilities – why should you care?

ComeTogether announces the first edition of the Let’s ComeTogether newsletter to address topical issues related to all things NFT ticketing! We begin with an overview of NFTs with utilities and why they matter.


Let’s start with the basics, so we’re all on the same page. What ‘are’ NFTs with utilities? At the simplest level, holding an NFT with utility allows you to do something you wouldn’t be able to do without being a holder of that NFT.


And just in case you’re new to this topic, an NFT is a non-fungible token or digital ownership of assets. Created through the blockchain, they are similar to a cryptocurrency, but are a digital representation of one-of-a-kind assets that entail uniqueness or scarcity, such as a collectible, a ticket, a song etc.

Now back to the topic of NFTs with utilities…


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ComeTogether case study: The Path to Positive Secondary Market Experiences

Wang was touring Greece for a series of performances organized by 5ive Star Events. Wang belongs to the youngest generation of Greek rappers who bring the newest Thessaloniki rap wave to the spotlight. Becoming known by his initial records Wonderkid, Criminal, and Takeshi in 2020, Wang quickly stood out in producer’s Dof YouTube-music sessions, followed by numerous collaborations.

With the entire tour being sold out, there was a concern about the potential influx of fraudulent tickets in the market. To verify the authenticity of resold tickets, 5ive Star Events, the event organizers for these sold-out events, sought assistance from ComeTogether. Fans had been directly contacting them to inquire about reselling their tickets or finding available tickets on the secondary market.

Concurrently, some fans no longer wanted their tickets for various reasons, and an automated solution was needed to match this extra supply with demand. Prior to implementing this solution, these fans had been messaging the organizers and posting on social media about their desire to buy or sell tickets, creating additional work and a lot of unnecessary noise. The main goal was to ensure fans were not left in a situation where they not only couldn’t attend an event they were excited about, but also lost money.

Download the case study to read the whole story!

Wang Case Study (English) Download


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NFTs with utilities – more than a ticket?

ComeTogether is in IQ Magazine highlighting the opportunities for NFTs with utilities. They’re more than just a ticket!

We discuss how to engage fans, reward loyalty, build your brand and increase revenue. Something every event organizer, artist and record label would surely like to do. And let’s not forget the attendees. The new functionality of NFTs with utilities opens the door for an enhanced event going experience.

The world of ticketing has moved at a fast pace. We’ve gone from paper tickets to basic digital tickets to blockchain tickets with dynamic QR codes that ensure validity and protect from ticket scams and scalpers.

At the simplest level, NFT tickets can be retained as a collectible, but that’s only the beginning. Read the full article and watch the video to learn about the benefits of NFTs with utilities for everyone involved in live music events.

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