Category: NFTs

The first official Music NFT Project by Hawk


Discover the first official music NFT project by Hawk in UniqTogether.

Music NFTs already seem to have a lot of benefits for the music industry. The owner of a Music NFT, is the actual owner of the song, similar to the owner of a CD. No monthly fee to listen, it’s yours! This means you can keep it, sell it or gift it to someone else.

Hawk’s NFT music project titled “KOLLECTIVA GANG”, is only available in the marketplace of UniqTogether and open for purchase until June 17. KOLLECTIVA GANG consists of a limited number of 3D NFTs designed by KELLOGGS.

The owners of these NFTs get exclusive access and receive Hawk’s new music track, “Elefantas” from the “LIBERTA” album. KOLLECTIVA GANG NFT owners also acquire the “Libertarian Role” in the Discord community of the artist. This comes with the following unique privileges: Early updates and exclusive access to announcements, giveaways, invitations, tickets, appearances, merch and meetups with the artist.



Ανακαλύψτε το πρώτο επίσημο μουσικό NFT project του Hawk μέσω του UniqTogether.

Τα μουσικά NFTs δείχνουν ήδη ότι έχουν να προσφέρουν πολλά στη μουσική βιομηχανία. Ο κάτοχος ενός μουσικού NFT έχει πραγματικά στην κατοχή του το κομμάτι που αγόρασε, όπως ακριβώς ισχύει και για τον κάτοχο ενός CD. Δεν υπάρχουν συνδρομές streaming και το μουσικό κομμάτι είναι για πάντα δικό του, δίνοντάς του τη δυνατότητα να το ακούει, να το πουλήσει ή να το κάνει δώρο.

Το μουσικό NFT project του Hawk με τίτλο “KOLLECTIVA GANG”, θα το βρείτε μόνο στο marketplace της UniqTogether και είναι διαθέσιμο για αγορά μέχρι τις 17 Ιουνίου. Το KOLLECTIVA GANG αποτελείται από έναν περιορισμένο αριθμό 3D NFTs τα οποία σχεδίασε ο KELLOGGS για τον νέο δίσκο του Hawk με όνομα Liberta.

Οι κάτοχοι των NFT αποκτούν αποκλειστική πρόσβαση και παίρνουν στην κατοχή τους το exclusive κομμάτι του Hawk, “Elefantas” από το album “LIBERTA”. Επίσης οι κάτοχοι των NFTs αποκτούν το “Libertarian” role στη Discord κοινότητα του καλλιτέχνη, το οποίο περιλαμβάνει τα εξής μοναδικά προνόμια: Πρώιμη ενημέρωση και αποκλειστική πρόσβαση σε ανακοινώσεις, διαγωνισμούς, προσκλήσεις, εισιτήρια, εμφανίσεις, πρόσβαση σε συλλεκτικά merch και meetups με τον καλλιτέχνη.

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ComeTogether signs strategic partnership with SportiveWays for business growth

ComeTogether today announced its latest strategic partnership with Sportive Ways aimed at  bringing blockchain technology for ticketing, NFT collectibles and NFT fan club memberships to sports entities.

ComeTogether will work with Sportive Ways to promote the concept of NFTs in the world of sports. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) enable sports teams to develop new revenue streams, increase fan engagement and create an ongoing royalty revenue stream. NFT ticketing can also be included in the solution to combine the topics of attendee management, fan engagement and secondary market control in a move that will solve several of the average fan’s pain points when attending sports events.

What is an NFT? An NFT provides digital ownership of assets. Created through blockchain, they are similar to a cryptocurrency. For collectors, an NFT is a digital representation of collectibles that entails uniqueness or digital scarcity.

SportiveWays has always taken a keen interest in suggesting modern solutions/services to the vast network of sports properties they work with and helping them to launch them when the time is right.

“Fan club NFTs are the next step in closer engagement to fans for all live events, rewarding their loyalty to favorite sports clubs and players,” said Lazaros Penteridis, CEO, ComeTogether.

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The Sphynx Society on UniqTogether

The Sphynx Society on UniqTogether

Michalis Karagounis presents his new song entitled “Ksero Ti Thelei”. In collaboration with Chris Karr and Jo Lids for the music production, they are preparing for a strong comeback with this new release through Solid Grace Music.

“Kserw Ti Thelei” comes to life with the sensual and kinky tones created with the innovative style of the directing team of Bodega Visuals. In addition, Solid Grace Music is collaborating with Sugarfree to promote this campaign on TikTok and Instagram with the colors of this summer. Specifically, they created a community of influencers that became part of the song as well as the new Sugarfree collection in a way that can only be described as organic!

The campaign doesn’t stop here. In collaboration with artist Danny Hades, a collection of 6 unique 3D NFTs was created under the name “The Sphynx Society”. “The NFTs are available via the UniqTogether Marketplace. UniqTogether offers NFT solutions for the music industry that include fanclub NFTs, NFT collectibles and NFT ticketing solutions.” Apart from unique designs of the Sphynx cat, the utility also includes a percentage of the song’s revenue back to their owners. Notably, one of the NFT’s is owned by Chris Kogias, a Greek influencer that represented Greece as one of the top influencers of Greece in the Eurovision of 2022.

This is only the beginning, as Solid Grace aims to define new methods of interaction and promotion of music through the use of innovative contracts and technologies. Finally, “Ksero Ti Thelei” by Michalis Karagounis, Chris Karr, Jo Lids, has been released in all digital music stores on Monday, May 16th.

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