ComeTogether case study: Safe & Controlled Event Ticket Resale – reworks festival

January 20, 2025 cometogether

Reworks is the pioneer electronic music festival in Greece and among the most well-known in Europe, presenting a wide spectrum of electronic music and its relationship with other music genres since 2005.

Once the festival was underway with 3 of 5 festival days fully sold out, a new challenge emerged. How to support fans reaching out who wanted to be able to resell tickets to these events due to a change in their plans. Given there was an outstanding demand to purchase tickets to the event from fans initially disappointed due to sold out dates, reworks needed to figure out how to ensure a positive ticket resale experience for their fans. It was important to enable a safe resale experience for ticket buyers and sellers, as ticket fraud and scalping is a common, notorious phenomenon for events with huge demand and naturally there were some incidents of it in prior years of the festival.

Our partnership with ComeTogether began in 2023 with the focus initially on the desire to deploy a solution to allow us to sell tickets directly from our website with reworks’ branding. During the festival we started to receive requests from fans who could not attend our four sold out days asking to be able to resell their tickets. Based on the success of ComeTogether’s functionality to enable this with only a quick click in the organizer’s dashboard we built this into our plan from the start this year for sold out shows. Problem solved – happy fans buying and selling tickets, a safe resale platform ensuring valid tickets and reasonable pricing and an additional source of revenue for reworks,” said Anastasion Diolazis, Music Director of NON and reworks festival.

Read the full Reworks Festival Case Study



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